Ep. 10 Interview With Children’s Outdoor Author Kevin Lovegreen

Do you want to pass hunting on to your children, nieces, nephews, grandkids or students? Yeah, me too. This episode will help you chase that dream. Kevin Lovegreen is a veteran hunter from the midwest, who loves to travel west to chase elk and mule deer, and he is also a children's outdoor author. Kevin created and authors the Lucky Luke book series that includes all kinds of hunting and fishing adventures that will capture the imagination of the youngsters in your life. Be sure to tune in as Kevin talks about Lucky Luke as well as tactics for getting others hooked on hunting!


Find all of Kevin's work through these means:

Kevin's website: https://kevinlovegreen.com/

Kevin's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKevinLovegreen

Kevin's Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/kevinlovegreen/


Ep. 11 Elk, Critters and Cameras: an Interview with With Wildlife Photographer Jay Wolf


Ep. 9 A Next Gen Hunter Interview with Nate Olson