Ep. 47 Squirrels: Old Time Game For New Age Hunters

Squirrel hunting has served as the first date for many hunters through the decades, and yet many fall away from it as they move on to bigger game like deer, elk, turkeys and waterfowl. Guest Marcus Gray is a wildlife biologist who has endured the test of time and with his own line of Mountain Feist squirrel dogs he is chasing squirrels with more passion than he had on his first ever hunt. These acrobats of the forest are well worth their weight in stew, and Marcus fills us in on how to bag a limit more often than we don’t. Marcus also takes us through the importance of conserving pollinator habitat, his dogs and a lot more.

Check out Marcus’ website: http://www.graysmountainfeist.com/

Follow on Facebook: Gray’s Mountain Feist

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Ep. 48 Sika Deer By The Sea with Laura Upham


Ep. 46 Tuition and Tree Stands- An Interview With Dorm Room Outdoors